On the Subject of The Time Keeper
I just need a few more seconds, okay?
- You are presented with a digital display and 3 colored LEDs. Based on the colors of the LEDs, the color of the digits, the number displayed, and some other information provided on the bomb, you must decide when to click which LED.
- The LEDs will be referred to in the order they appear in standard reading order.
- You only need to click one LED to solve the module.
- LEDs and the displayed number will each be in one of the following colors: Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Black, or White.
- Starting with the displayed number, adjust it using the following steps in the order they appear.
- If at any time you are told which LED you need to click, that is final. Disregard any further instructions on which LED to click.
- Whenever you reach an endpoint (marked END), stop following the steps, the number you now have is your final number.
- Once you have your final number and LED to click (if an LED has not been selected by any of the steps prior to your endpoint, refer to the Deciding on an LED section on page 3), click the correct LED when the number of seconds remaining on the bomb* is equal to your final number (within 2 seconds above or below - ex. if your number is 70, clicking anywhere between 1m08s and 1m12s left is acceptable). Pressing the correct LED at any time that satisfies the following equation is acceptable (round down to an integer): X * 2n where X is your calculated number and n is any integer. If you press an LED with less than 10 seconds remaining on the bomb, you will receive a strike regardless of whether or not the time you pressed is acceptable. The module will still be passed, however, if the time you clicked on is acceptable.
- If you are told to add a letter to your number, add the letter’s corresponding numeric value (A=1, B=2, etc.). Ex. 23 + D = 27
*This is not the number displayed in the “seconds” position on the timer. This is the total time remaining, in seconds. Ex. 1m20s = 80s. If your number is 80, you would click the correct LED when the timer displays 01:20.